From Market to Table

Eating, cooking, dining and consuming are all a part of daily life for everyone. Where we eat, how we cook, with whom we dine and what we consume are choices we make every day (multiple times per day). As the Owner & Creative Director for Clandestine Kitchen (prepared home meal delivery on Boston’s South Shore), this is an going part of my professional and personal life – and, my #1 passion is to discover those cool new products, use local & seasonal produce, and create delicious recipes, with interesting flavor profiles, that the whole family will love (if “you can’t make everyone happy because you are not tacos”, you can a least make delicious tacos and come pretty close!).
With the promise of spring right around the corner (Daylight Savings Time is this weekend!), it’s time to start cataloging your favorite local farms, farm stands, and Farmers Markets and begin to build your rolodex of inspiration. Need a little nudge to get creative in your kitchen? Begin by feasting your eyes on some of my favorite farm/Farmers Market finds (including our favorite CK partners and vendors) and stay tuned right here for an upcoming kitchen conversation with Hingham’s Allie Haugh (Seasoned & Salted) where we dish, nosh, and discuss our favorite ways to turn products and produce into unforgettable meals and memorable times around the table (plus, we can’t wait to share our favorite recipes with you, too!).